Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reconstruction Plans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reconstruction Plans - Coursework Example However, President Abraham Lincoln was also afraid that the federal Court might contrary his orders on reconstruction. This was a possibility that encouraged efforts of Republican and resulted in emancipation of Thirteenth Amendment. President Abraham Lincoln highly supported this amendment to ensure that the new constitution could improve an essential guide for reconstructed states as well as post-Appomattox High Court. President Abraham Lincoln had a belief that the Constitution was appropriate for reconstruction and states’ unity. Both his innate instinct towards decency and impressive education enabled him to become the President a post that enhanced to reunify as improving the entire nation. In the year 1862, Lincoln asked Attorney Edwin to ensure that the rights adhered to all citizens in the nation. The reply of the Attorney General rested on circuit opinion of Justice Bushrod Washington in the year 1823 in Corfield Coryell. Lincoln ensured that the rights abolished slavery. Lincoln’s plans towards reconstruction were depicted in the year 1862 and 1863 when he ordered black to be included in the military. Qsn 2: reconstruction was an attempt that was started from the year 1865 to 1877in the history of America. The main purpose of reconstruction was to resolve the matters of the Civil War after destruction of both slavery and confederacy. Reconstruction went through three different phases, which include the presidential reconstruction phase, radical reconstruction phase, and redemption phase. The presidential reconstruction phase started in the year 1863 and ended in 1866. This phase was under control of Andrew Johnson and President Abraham Lincoln with the aim reuniting the entire country at a faster rate2. This moderate program was affected by opposition of Radical Republicans a faction that was influenced by 1866 elections. The main aim of the Radical reconstructionwas to improve voting rights and civil rights for the citizens. In the year 1873

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